Lots of other features that can be found in Photoshop reproduced very well in either app.History palette (one of the best ideas Adobe ever came up with, IMHO).Both have what you would expect for curves, and hue/saturation corrections.Excellent retouching (clone brush) controls.Granted, I'm spoiled by decades of using the full version of Photoshop, so these rather watered down apps are both distracting and limiting to me. I tested both PSE 2020 and the latest version of Affinity Photo. You couldn't pay me to use Affinity Photo. Its gonna take some time, but 99% of what you want is there. go buy Affinity Photo, especially when its on sale for $30 bucks and start migrating. I think that when you buy a product you shouldn't be shut out unless you buy it again. CS6 is supposedly a 64-bit product, but Adobe seems to just want more money, and while I'm one of the retired guys that used Adobe PS at work since it was introduced. so what? I can install Corel Draw 10 on a new PC and it works.

The Adobe nuts say CS6 is six years old, but its also had numerous service upgrades, maybe a half dozen? So people have been buying and using this version for 6 years. I don't know if we should blame Apple or Adobe, but as many long-time Photoshop users in the Adobe forums have said, they feel cheated. I can save the file as a JPG as long as I use the " Save As " selection. Minor inconvenience, but now I can open the file in Photoshop. And. Its 100% functional with two exceptoions you can't Save for Web, and you can't open a JPG image. I bought Affinity Photo, so if I need access to a JPG, I open it in Affinity, then Export it as a PSD file. Go into Applications and click on Photoshop CS6, right click the Adobe Photoshop CS6.app, then Show Package Contents, click on Contents, then Mac OS, the double click the terminal icon/Adobe Photoshop CS6. A terminal window will open, and you'll get a couple of warning popups, canel those. Just wondering if anyone has found another work-around to get Adobe CS6 running with Catalina? I'm using the "Terminal Method" which sort of works with a couple of limitations.